Welcome to EGAC SCY Last Chance Qualifier 2025
The Elk Grove Aquatics Center
This page will be updated to contain all the information you need to know about the meet from how to get here, where to park, where to set up your tents and what amenities will be available onsite! Please note that this year, the Matt Casto Memorial is a one day meet due to scheduling conflicts with CSD. The Matt Casto Memorial Meet will be a dual session meet with 13 & up in the morning and 12 & under in the afternoon
Last Chance Qualifer Meet Reports
Friday Feb. 21-23, 2025
Meet Information
Psych Sheet
Timer and Official Requirement
Timer Lane Assignments
You will be able to park in the main parking lot adjacent to the facility. Please DO NOT park in the neighborhood across from the aquatic center. We want to be good neighbors.
Keep these items in mind when parking:
DO NOT park on the streets. You will get ticketed or towed.
DO NOT park in the neighborhoods if you can avoid it. Please stay in the main or overflow lots.
DO NOT block driveways or park in coned-off areas
DO NOT park on the concrete walkways
Be kind. All parking lot volunteers need some love.
Click on the image to view a larger version.
Here is a facility map outlining where you can set up tents and where you can find amenities like apparel stands, snack bar, check-in and our vendor's alley. Click on the image for a larger version.
Please be mindful of off-limits areas. These need to remain clear for the safety and consideration of the athletes and coaches. Be especially mindful of the following:
THE REC POOL AND WATERSLIDE AREAS ARE OFF LIMITS. Please do not venture into those areas.
DO NOT Set up tents on the bleachers. Stadium chairs are acceptable.
DO NOT Set up tents in the areas behind the bleachers. Folding chairs are acceptable here.
Please return lawn chairs to their original locations after moving or using them during the meet.
Tents and chairs cannot be left overnight. Please remove canopy tops and use buckets or weights to tie them down as it gets windy overnight.
NO VIDEO OR PHOTOGRAPHY allowed behind the blocks whether on the bleachers or on the competition deck.
This is how the tents will be set up on the competition deck. A couple of things to be aware of:
Competition deck is for COACHES, OFFICIALS and EGAC MEET OPS volunteers ONLY. No spectator or family tents are allowed around the competition pool.
Any families setting up on the deck will be asked to move to allowed areas around the facility or outside the main gates depending on space available.
For Friday, warm-ups will start at 3:50 and end 4:50
For Saturday and Sunday, warm-ups will be 7:3o AM-8:50 AM.
The competition pool will close 10 minutes prior to the start of the the meet.
The World Famous Gator Shack will be open serving up tasty treats to spoon, fork or chop-stick into your gaping maws
Come visit our vendors!