Elk Grove Aquatics Club Locker Room Policy
The following is a description of our practice and competition facilities to allow athletes and their families to plan their use:
We practice at the following address:
Elk Grove Aquatic Center
9701 Big Horn Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95757
This location has a changing area that is shared with the general public. As such, there are likely to be people who are not associated with Elk Grove Aquatics Club in the changing area around the time of practice.
General Policy Considerations
Coaches and staff make every effort to recognize when an athlete goes to the locker room or changing area during practice and competition and, if they do not return in a timely fashion, we will check on the athlete’s whereabouts.
We discourage parents from entering locker rooms and changing areas unless it is truly necessary. In those instances, it should only be a same-sex parent. If this is necessary, parents should let the coach or administrator know about this in advance.
If an athlete needs assistance with his or her uniform or gear (for example, a child under the age of eight), or an athlete’s disability warrants assistance, then we ask that parents let the coach or an administrator know beforehand that he or she will be helping the athlete.
Elk Grove Aquatics Club has staggered practices, with different groups arriving and departing throughout the day. It is therefore not practical to constantly monitor locker rooms and changing areas over this extended course of time. While we do not post monitors inside or at the doors of the locker rooms and changing areas, we do make occasional sweeps of these areas. Facility Staff or Parent Volunteers conduct sweeps, with women checking on female locker rooms and men checking on male locker rooms.
However, during swim meets the position of Deck Marshall monitors bathroom/locker room. Deck Marshalls are informed of safe sport policy and procedures.
Use of Cell Phones and Other Mobile Recording Devices
Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras, ipads, and video cameras increase the risk for different forms of misconduct in locker rooms and changing areas. The USA Swimming Athlete Protection Policies prohibit the use of such devices in the locker room or other changing area:
305.3 Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone camera, is not allowed in changing areas, rest rooms, or locker rooms.
If inappropriate conduct occurs in the Locker Room, please do the following immediately:
Notify a trusted adult – adult, coach, board member, lifeguard
Inform the notified adult about what you experienced
The notified adult will contact the Coach and/or Board of Directors and inform them of the incident. See EGAC Board of Directors address and email below.
The Coach and/or Board of Members will make decisions based upon the information provided to them and will follow EGAC Club Policy and Procedures, in addition to notifying Safe Sport and local Law Enforcement, if warranted. See EGAC Club procedures below.
You have the right to contact USA Swimming Safe Sport to make a report. See where to report below.
For issues dealing with sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and/or sexually explicit or inappropriate communication through social media:
U.S. Center for SafeSport: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal
For issues dealing with physical abuse, emotional abuse, criminal charges and the use, sale or distribution of illegal drugs:
USA Swimming Safe Sport: safesport@usaswimming.org or https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/form10/index.html
For issues dealing with known or suspected child abuse in Sacramento County:
Contact 24-Hour Child Abuse Hotline – (916) 875-5437 (875-KIDS)
In case of an emergency call 911 for law enforcement
For issues dealing with peer-to-peer bullying, coach-athlete bullying, parent issues, violations of the Elk Grove Aquatics Club Code of Conduct and violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy are handled at the club level following the procedures outlined below.
The Board of Directors have the authority to impose penalties for infractions of the Elk Grove Aquatics Club Athlete, Parent and Coach Codes of Conduct or any behavior(s) they deem not conducive to the best interests of the Club or other swimmers. Consequences are at the sole discretion of the coaches and/or Elk Grove Aquatics Club Board of Directors and may include, but aren’t limited to, verbal warnings, dismissal from practice, contacting parents, temporary suspension from club activities and expulsion. Involved parties will be informed of the processes and range of potential consequences.
The U.S. Center for SafeSport, USA Swimming and local law enforcement (if applicable) will be contacted within 24 hours if a coach, parent, or swimmer violates the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements, the USA Swimming Code of Conduct, Athlete Protection Policy, or local laws.
Gathering Information: The appropriate individuals will contact the person who experienced and conducted the misconduct in the Locker Room. Other witnesses may be contacted for more information. All information will be recorded by a Board Member or EGAC Safe Sport Representative and kept on file.
Assessing Behavior: The behavior of the person(s) against which the misconduct issue was brought, will be assessed using club policies and facility rules, USA Swimming Code of Conduct, USA Swimming Safe Sport policies, as well as applicable local and state laws.
Consequences will be given and disciplinary action will be taken, if appropriate. These consequences and disciplinary actions will be decided using the following general guidelines:
Nature of the misconduct
Severity of the misconduct
Prior disciplinary actions
Adverse effect of the misconduct
Application of the Code of Conduct
Contact Information:
Elk Grove Aquatics Club Board of Directors
PO BOX 580495
Elk Grove, CA 95758
email: board@egacgators.com
updated: June 2022